A car slammed into me last night

Lauren Hansen
3 min readNov 20, 2019


As I stopped to turn left into my apartment complex last night, a car slammed into me. I screamed as the sudden sound of crushing metal pushed my car into the opposite lane. Then a stop. Everything seemed to stop. Time moved slowly and I realized I had been hit. I pulled into a driveway, opened my driver side door and stood up.


At this same instant, another car drove by with the window rolled down and I noticed a familiar curly-haired, smiling face. “Rachel? Rachel!” My dear friend and old colleague just “happened” to be driving by. She pulled over and gave me a big hug. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied.

We walked over to the driver of the blue Volkswagen, a young teenage boy. He was outside his car in a t-shirt and shorts, leaning face down on the frame, his arms stretched across his forehead. Safe, but discouraged. A tear rolled down his cheek. He had just left high school basketball practice and was driving home. He glanced down and hadn’t seen my car stop. “I’m so sorry.”

The next 15 minutes was the most beautiful encounter I have ever witnessed. Rachel, whose heart felt such compassion for this boy, checked in with him, kept him distracted with sweet questions while the police filed an accident report, and prayed for him. She hugged him three or four times. It was literally like Jesus walked on the scene.

“Sorry, I’m probably annoying you with questions,” Rachel said at one point. “No,” the boy whispered and glanced up at her. “You are the kindest person I have ever known.”

A few minutes later, we wrapped everything up with the police, everyone hugged everyone, and we went our separate ways.

This morning, I woke up with a sore body and a little bit of fear. I began journaling and asked God what I could learn from the situation. God doesn’t cause accidents, but he’s always speaking to us, so I figured there was something he’d want to say about this. I didn’t really sense anything from him, so I continued to journal. I told him that I was so grateful Rachel was there and that everyone was safe. I also told him that it was scary. I was grateful, but the experience shook me. Finally, I wrote, “God, can you please help me receive your love in this?”

Across the kitchen counter, my phone instantly buzzed. Uncle Danny. My uncle (who is like a dad to me) heard about the accident from my mom and called to check on me. He made sure I was okay and walked me through the insurance process. It was like Jesus walked on the scene again. Then another friend texted to check in with me. And then my mom checked in on me again. She texted, “God told me to call Uncle Danny when I was on my walk because he said you needed a daddy right now.”

When I read that, I lost it. I sobbed. Tears rolled down my cheeks faster than I could wipe them away. I did need a dad and God weaved everything together so that one would be there for me. And he weaved everything together so that there would be a “mom” for the teenage boy last night. God really is a comforter. He really, really loves us.

I don’t know what you’re going through today. Life may be great. It may be hard. You may be in the valley. You may be on the mountaintop. Regardless of your situation, I invite you to pray one simple prayer today:

God, help me receive your love.

And then keep your eyes open throughout the day and the week. Notice who he places around you. Notice nature. Notice what happens when you read the Bible. The most amazing part of God is that he is love, so there’s always more coming to us. In every circumstance. In every situation. In everything. Let Him love you today. All you have to do is ask.




Lauren Hansen
Lauren Hansen

Written by Lauren Hansen

People Connector | Jesus Lover | Storyteller

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