Want more confidence?

Lauren Hansen
5 min readOct 16, 2019


It was one of the first days in August and I arrived in the hot, sweltering 100-plus degree town of Redding, California unsure what to expect but filled with anticipation and hope. Surrounded by mountains and desert sun, I stepped into Bethel Church for their week long School of the Prophets. Most of the sessions took place in a large auditorium, but for one morning session each day, we were grouped into smaller communities so we could process with each other in a more intimate setting. In my group, people from the “Is and Js” were put together — Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Jamaica and Japan.

I walked into the small classroom with gray school chairs positioned in a circle and sat down. “I’m Lauren,” I said as I introduced myself to the people sitting near me. “Nice to meet you.”

If you’re thinking, what the heck is the School of the Prophets, I was in the exact same boat a year ago. To be honest, I didn’t entirely know what the week would consist of, but I had recently been introduced to the concept of prophecy and it made me want more. In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul writes: “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives — especially the ability to prophesy. The one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.”

As we grow in our relationship with God, he shares his heart with us, and sometimes that includes words and phrases that build up, encourage and comfort other people. When we talk to others, sometimes the Holy Spirit will prompt us to share those words with people. That’s what prophecy is. It’s actually a gift given to us by the Holy Spirit and it can really help people understand how much Jesus loves them. Last year, a person prayed for me and all of a sudden, he began to tell me very specific dreams that I had been having about my future. He was a stranger so I knew God was speaking through him, and it really encouraged me. I felt seen by God and hopeful for the future. So when I was given the opportunity to attend the School of the Prophets in Redding, I was excited to learn more about this gift from the Holy Spirit.

On the third day of the school, we gathered in groups of four and shared some of the ways we had experienced God that week. As we took turns, a woman from Jamaica said, “The Lord has downloaded his confidence in me.” My head turned to look at her and I said (almost audibly), “What? God can give you confidence?” After she shared more of her journey, I was so drawn to her. After our community session ended, I went up to her to tell her what her words meant to me.

“I didn’t realize you could ask God for confidence,” I said to her. She smiled and said, “Sure you can! You can ask God for anything you need.” I had never considered asking for confidence before. What she didn’t know was that I had just quit my job and I was a bit insecure about the next season ahead. She prayed for me and asked God to give me the same confidence he had given her so I would enter the next season without fear. “I see so much of myself in you,” she said. “God will give you boldness. He will show up in a whole new way for you.”

Over the past few months, I have asked God for his confidence, especially in moments when I’m afraid or nervous to take a risk. It really works, y’all (I’ve always wanted to say y’all in a blog post. Sometimes I pretend I’m from the south, but most times I pretend I’m a rap star. Anyway, let’s carry on).

Over the past few months, God has been showing me different sides of who he is. At the Grand Canyon, he was protector. At the hostel, he was mercy. At Bethel, he was encourager. When he gives me his confidence, it’s like he’s saying, “Girl, you got this! I’m with you. You’re not alone. You’ve got everything you need. Let’s do this together!”

And sometimes he sends a friend to remind you who you are. To remind you who he is. To remind you of your destiny. That’s what the gift of prophecy does. It connects us to the true heart of Jesus and sets us free.

Yesterday, I spent the morning singing worship songs and randomly started sobbing. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but the tears flowed as I sang. They felt cleansing in a way, like God was removing some dirt and mud that had tried to cling on. I have come to learn that sometimes it’s like a healing fire, so I asked God for more of his fire. After, I picked up my phone to a text from my new friend from Jamaica: “Praying for you. Love you!” I responded saying, “Thank you! I was just listening to worship and started sobbing and asked God for his fire.” She replied, “Oh my gosh! I said that! For a fresh fire to fall upon you. And for God to breathe new breath over you.”

At the exact same time I was experiencing the nearness of God, my friend 1,750 miles away was praying for me to experience him. This is our God. He will place someone on our heart and we’ll pray for them or encourage them, and it will be the exact time they need it. We’re his kids and he loves to encourage us.

So if the name of a friend pops into your head today, or you notice a stranger while you’re out and about, ask God if he may want to share some word of encouragement with them. Pause, breathe, and listen. You may see a picture or a word may come to mind or you may sense something in your gut. And then take a risk and share it. If you tell the person and it didn’t resonate, that’s okay — you just encouraged them, and don’t we all need a little more encouragement? But if it did resonate, it may change their entire view of God’s love for them or help them walk into the destiny God has planned for them — and isn’t that totally amazing?

Let’s be on the lookout today. Let’s ask, Holy Spirit, who do you want to bless through me today?




Lauren Hansen
Lauren Hansen

Written by Lauren Hansen

People Connector | Jesus Lover | Storyteller

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